Reframe the "What if's"

Many people often go through life with those common and oh so popular " What if" questions.  Whether they're intentional or unintentional, the "what if's" end up making their way into your minds, leading to an overly heightened and anxiety ridden state.  This in no way will support you in life.  Some questions you might recognize swirling in your head might look like this:

What if I don't make it in time?   
What if he doesn't call me back?   
What if I try and things just don't get any better? 
What if I can't find another job?   
What if I fail?
What if I can't get an appointment for tomorrow?
What if she doesn't come back?
What if he thinks I'm lying?
What if we end up breaking up?
What if it doesn't work out?


For those of you who get caught in this cycle of "What if's," try something a bit different today.  Instead of going down a negative spiral (which believe me will happen), try focusing on the very opposite.  Reframe your "What if's" so that the outcome leads you in a direction that inspires you, creates optimism and drives energy.

Ask yourself these questions instead:

What if my life could actually be great?
What if I were determined and action oriented?
What if I finally realized that I have potential?
What if I were to work on forgiveness for myself?
What if I allowed myself to make mistakes and to be human?
What if I was I choose to love openly and honestly?
What if I were to offer kindness and compassion to myself just as I so often do for others?
What if I practice self-love every day because I matter?
What if I were to give this relationship a chance?
What if I recognized that I have the power to create so more more?
What if I told myself each and every day that I'm beautiful?
What if I let go of the need to look a certain way and allowed my inner beauty to shine?
What if I start to embrace my flaws and love myself from within?

Hopefully, you're getting a better understanding of where I'm going with this.  Challenge yourself to these reframing questions and start your way to a healthy mind.

Candida Diaz