A New Way of Looking at 2020…

I am so looking forward to 2020!  This year, I wanted to try something a bit different so rather than taking on a NEW YEARS RESOLUTION, I decided to use a different approach.  The REFLECT, CHANGE, and CONTINUE model.

So here’s how it works.

1st REFLECT on the past year.  In doing so, you are simply observing how you spent the previous year.  Look at who you spent time with; the projects you were involved in; how you lived your life; what was of value to you; how much income you earned; where the struggles / challenges were; who/what made you laugh; who/what triggered negative energy for you.  This is not a time for regrets or self-sabotage but rather a time to thoughtfully reflect. 


2nd INVITE CHANGE into your life.  We cannot change the past but we can look to change those areas of our lives that did not and currently do not work well for us.  When I think of change, the first thing that comes to mind is BRAVERY. Change is not easy and courage is surely needed on every level.  Change however is necessarily when the end results are not producing rewarding outcomes for you. Join me in welcoming and inviting Change into your life.


3rd CONTINUE doing what has and is presently working for you.  If you find that specific areas of your life have brought you happiness & success, then continue doing them.  I’m certain there are many areas of your life that have been successes for you. These areas however, may have been overlooked.  We often get caught up with wanting something new and forget to look at what is already working. Don’t get caught up in short term fixes.  Take what is already a success and be consistent and regular with it.


For those of you who are open to trying this new approach, I am quite certain that you will find many benefits.  For those who want to stick with the traditional New Years Resolution, then go for it. I embrace our unique desires & approaches.


May this year bring you joy, happiness, love, and abundance.


Candida R. Diaz

Therapist & Life Coach



Candida Diaz