A letter of Kindness to Myself
Here's a thought for today? Join me in writing a Kindness Letter to yourself and share it with me (only if you are comfortable). This activity is a way for you to offer self-compassion, self validation, and self-recognition.
READ on to see my own letter...
A letter of Kindness to Myself
Dear ME,
Today, I want to thank you for all that you are doing. I want to thank you for waking up each day and choosing to see the positive in a world that is currently struggling. I want to recognize you for the courageous person you are, for your unconditional love and your beautiful heart. I know that it isn’t easy to remain optimistic when day after day you’re faced with uncertainty and challenge however know that you are making a true difference not just in your life but in the lives of many others as well.
I want to show my appreciation to you for the remarkable job you are doing in keeping the household running, in being supermom and the best teacher ever even if at times you may feel like you have no idea of what to do next. I want to thank you for loving yourself enough to take care of YOU. The simple things you do like getting dressed in the morning, cooking, cleaning, reaching out to family & friends, going for walks, show that you are making an investment in your own wellbeing. Please do not ever forget that you are human and will have times of struggle. This does not take away from your strengths and abilities. Give yourself permission to have both good and not so good days. Remember to not be so hard on yourself and to love yourself even more on those tough days. If you fall, always get back up and if you cry, wipe those tears and know that you are blessed. You have health, love and happiness. That truly does matters!
Stay well, stay safe, and continue to show yourself the love, respect, and the honor that you so deserve.
With love,